Four abstracts with members of the Mountcryo group were submitted for presenting at EGU General Assembly 2025:
Barzagar, F., Bolch, T.: Mapping of Glaciers in the Poiqu Basin (Central Himalaya) Using U-Net and Transfer Learning
Bolch, T., Baldacchino, F. Bhattacharya, A.: Variable evolution of debris-covered glaciers in High Mountain Asia during the last several decades
Atanu Bhattacharya, Kriti Mukherjee, Sajid Ghuffar, Owen King, Tobias Bolch , Brian Menounos Variabilities in Climate Sensitivities and Mass Balance of Four High Mountain Asian Glaciers
Ella Wood, Tobias Bolch, Lothar Schrott, Francesca Baldacchino, Vassiliy Kapitsa, Foteh Rahimov, and Ali Taskynbayev: Internal Structure of Four Rock Glaciers in the Northern Tien Shan from Geophysical Investigations